The European Citizen and Public Administration


  • Iulian Savenco (Ed.) Danubius University of Galati


The European Citizen and Public Administration


The European Union, an organization built on the ruins of the Second World War the desire to
curb the war on the continent once and for all, was doomed from the beginning to end in one day political
contours, so Europe is now united policy at the core of the future of Europe. This aspiration has become
increasingly manifest in the adoption in 1992 of the Treaty of Maastricht, culminating today with the debate
on the European Constitution. “Europe” today was forged from the beginning of the ruling political elites and
not the citizens. Is it possible to continue this course today? Talking about European citizenship is part of the
broader theory and political philosophy, legal and sociological. East European citizenship a recent concept
(established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992) born of an old idea (dating approximately from the 40s) that
refers to a reality uncertain and inconsistent. Holders of European citizenship are nationals of Member States
of the European Union. Citizenship as a concept has a content both political (the right of citizenship Fortress
defining an individual's personal status) and legal (on the set of subjective rights that an individual may
invoke). Existential condition of citizenship is the ability to have rights (individual rights as positive theory of
law) and be able to implement them. As a consequence, European citizenship exists to the extent that its
holders can enjoy rights derived from this status.






The European Citizen and Public Administration