Some Case Studies Regarding the Application of the Principle of Legal Security in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Romania


  • Emilian Ciongaru University Bioterra Bucharest


legal rule; legal security; jurisprudence; constitutionality; rule of law


The term legal security, in a doctrinal interpretation, evokes specialist common terms, thus: the
retroactivity of the law, the appearance of legality, the appearance of the law, the applicability of the law, the
predictability of the law, the legality of incrimination and penalty, legislative inflation, legal acculturation or
even the obscurity of the texts of legal rules. A basic feature of the principle of legal security is that the existing
legal rules must be predictable, known and understood and that the corresponding legal solutions remain
relatively stable and unequivocal. Clarity and sobriety of the legal rule requires that that the text of the law must
be formulated clearly, soberly, fluently and intelligibly without syntactical difficulties and obscure or
ambiguous passages, and the shape and the aesthetics of expression must not prejudice the legal style, precision
and clarity of the provisions of the legal rule. Another essential characteristic of the principle of legal security
is that the existing legal rules must be predictable, known and understood and that the corresponding legal
solutions remain relatively stable and unambiguous.

Author Biography

Emilian Ciongaru, University Bioterra Bucharest

Professor, PhD


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Legal Sciences in the New Millennium