Legal Sciences in the New Millennium


  • Vasilica Negrut (Ed.) Danubius University of Galati


Legal Sciences in the New Millennium


The underlying principle of the law, and a source of law – equity – has been expressly or explicitly
integrated in the judicial development of law, with a view to giving a meaning to the law, for which reason it
is aimed at peacefully solving or preventing the social disputes in society. Therefore, equity has a
hermeneutic function, strictly for making interpretations when the legislator so allows it, it is intrinsic to the
law and contains all phases of good management and enforcement of justice, being a part of all stages of the
legal proceedings, from the application initiating proceeding to the actual implementation of the court
decision awarded, regardless of the nature or extent of jurisdiction, and of the nature of the litigation referred
for judgment. According to the requirements of equity, the judges have special powers for settling specific
cases, namely, they may offer resolutions they consider to be fair and conforming to the interests of the
parties involved, which is to be grounded on facts, and not on the positive law.






Legal Sciences in the New Millennium