Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring National Security in the Field of International Trade


  • Alexandr Victor Cauia
  • Lidia Cherdivara PhD student, Free International University of Moldova (ULIM)


national security; economic security; legal regulation; international trade


The world economic system is developing rapidly, and respecting the essence and principles established in this process is absolutely necessary to ensure the smooth development of economic relations between states. However, the realities of the 21st century require states to take the necessary measures to ensure their national security and the security of their own citizens. In addition to the multilateral rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN), elements related to ensuring national security are also reflected in the free trade agreement between the states participating in international economic relations. This article analyzes some aspects of this complex process of interaction between the need to ensure national security and the specifics of international trade relations.

Author Biography

Alexandr Victor Cauia

Free International University of Moldova


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