Criminogenic Causes and Factors that Contribute to the Commission of Crime by a Minor


  • Stefanut Radu Danubius University of Galati


criminology; genesis process; criminal behaviour


The object of this scientific study is represented by the analysis of the causes and factors that
contribute to the commission of crime by the minor and which have a real contribution in the commission of
the crimes. The result of the study consists in explaining the criminal behaviour that represents the central issue
of criminology, which involves establishing the cause, reconstructing the system of determinant factors around
it, as well as elucidating the genesis process of the criminal behaviour. The bottom line is that the connection
between causes, factors and criminality is a sensitive and delicate topic approached by many writers in an
attempt to outline clear ideas for preventing and combating criminal behaviour.

Author Biography

Stefanut Radu, Danubius University of Galati

Assistant Professor, PhD


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