Challenges and Perspectives in Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Objectives: This research aims to explore sustainable entrepreneurship as a vital approach in contemporary global contexts, focusing on its significance in fostering businesses that actively contribute to sustainable development objectives. Prior Work: The paper builds upon existing literature and research on sustainable entrepreneurship, incorporating insights from various disciplines such as business sustainability, finance, innovation, and technology. Approach: Methodologically, the study employs an extensive literature review, including case studies, scholarly articles, and reports from relevant organizations. A qualitative approach is utilized to delve into the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and identify viable solutions. Results: Key findings underscore the significant challenges entrepreneurs encounter in integrating sustainable practices, including high initial costs and limited access to financing. However, there is optimism in the potential of innovation and emerging technologies to address these barriers. Implications: The study holds implications for academics, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs by offering insights into the dynamics of sustainable entrepreneurship. It underscores the importance of education, financial support, and innovation in accelerating the transition to sustainability. Value: This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of sustainable entrepreneurship, emphasizing its importance in fostering a sustainable future.
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