Fostering Cross Functional Collaboration for Circular Innovation in Manufacturing Sector
Abstract: In light of the growing environmental issues and the necessary transition to a green economy, it is vital to comprehend how collaboration propels systemic change. This paper delves into how cross-functional collaboration promotes sustainable development and circular innovation in the manufacturing sector. Building on previous research, this paper summarizes findings from numerous researches conducted in the manufacturing industry to highlight the significance of teamwork in accomplishing sustainability and circularity goals. An analysis was performed on empirical papers published between 2019 and 2024, utilizing a systematic review methodology. Four key themes emerge: the impact of cross-functional teams on manufacturing dynamics, the relationship between circular economy principles and organizational performance, challenges inherent in cross-functional collaboration, and strategies for overcoming organizational silos to foster circular transformation. The findings reveal the critical role that cross-functional cooperation plays in promoting circular innovation and resolving environmental issues. These insights are pertinent to researchers, investigators, and organizational executives, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and technological integration to achieve sustainable goals. By accentuating the significance of cross-functional cooperation in fostering circular innovation, this research advances the understanding of cooperative strategies for sustainable development and provides guidance for real-world application within the manufacturing sector.
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