Optimization of Nutritionintake for High School Students from Rural Environments
secondary school students; nutrition;, natural supplementsAbstract
Adolescence, spanning from ages 13 to 18 years, is a crucial period of physical development and growth. During this time, the body undergoes significant changes in composition, metabolism, hormones, and organ system maturation, as well as nutrient deposit establishment. These changes may impact future health. In terms of nutrition, adolescence is also a critical time for establishing a lifelong relationship with food, particularly with regards to the connection between diet, exercise, and body image. During adolescence, individuals face challenges related to time management due to school, training, work, and social commitments. Peers become increasingly influential in shaping an adolescent's behaviour, including their eating habits. Additionally, fluctuating emotions can also be a feature of this period. These patterns should be consistent with proven principles of sports nutrition. It is important to note that athletes require better nutrition than non-athletes. Meeting the nutritional needs of adolescent athletes is crucial for their performance, energy, growth, and recovery. This article aims to explain the key components that must be considered, including calorie needs, macronutrients, hydration, and timing. All aspects of providing adequate nutrition for adolescent athletes are crucial for supporting their performance and overall quality of life. Medical analyses were conducted on a group of 40 students before and after the administration of natural supplements. The students were given one 500mg Spirulina capsule and one Safflower Oil capsule daily for three months, followed by a one-month break.
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