Assessing the Acceptance of Automated Vehicles in China: A Technology Acceptance Model


  • Muhammad Irfan Beijing Technology and Business University,


Automated vehicles (AVs) might provide a possible solution for enhancing road safety, but the advantages of AVs can only be achieved if people choose to utilize them. Few researchers have studied the impact of personal and social aspects on AV acceptability, despite the fact that there have been endeavors to comprehend why individuals would utilize AVs. This research aims to address this gap in the literature. A model of AV acceptance was created by supplementing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with personal and social elements, such as trust, subjective norm, and the Big Five personality traits. The reliability of the suggested framework was validated using a questionnaire administered to 547 Chinese drivers. At the onset of AV marketing, perception variables, namely, perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PUF) from the Technology Acceptance Model, had a substantial impact on the purchase intention (PIN) of consumers towards AVs. But most significantly, it was subjective norm and trust that most significantly led to describing whether or not consumers would accept AVs. Certain personality traits also played a pivotal role regarding AV use purpose.  Neurotic individuals were less inclined to acknowledge AVs and exhibited reduced trust. Essentially, such results suggest that AVs marketing to prominent persons might aid in forming healthy social relationships.  Perceptions would substantially influence AVs adoption in the initial stages of development.




