Human Resources Attraction and Retention in Tourism Industry in Albania – addressing effects of the great resignation


  • sidita dibra University of Tirana


human resource development, retention, tourism industry, great resignation


Tourism plays a crucial role in Albania's economic development, contributing 20% to the country's GDP in 2019. One in five jobs in Albania linked to tourism, travel, and related activities, according to the World Tourism and Travel Council. However, the growth of this sector is currently hampered by a shortage of human resources, as many employees resigned or changed careers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the country is facing high levels of migration to western countries, exacerbating the shortage of human resources. Given the scarcity of human resources, companies in the hospitality industry are implementing various strategies to attract and retain employees. This research analyses the human resource development approaches of organizations operating in the hotel industry, with a focus on those in the growth phase that compete with high-quality service. In-depth interviews indicate that organizations are implementing ad-hoc interventions, such as increasing salaries, improving benefits, or providing short-term training on industry standards or new techniques. However, these organizations are generally failing to design career paths and offer development options for staff in the tourism industry. This exploratory study aims to design implications for industry-led human resource development initiatives for business continuation and competitive advantage.


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