The People of the Earth - The New Rules of Geopolitics


  • Emilia Andreea Motoranu Bucharest University of Economic Studies


crisis; geopolitics; future; resources; globalization


The article aims to provide an objective picture of the new rules of geopolitics and universal values. As we can see, globalization will come to influence all aspects of our daily lives, on all levels: social, economic, ideological, ecological, etc. The main methods used in the study are observation and case study. The article highlights in a unique way that each country/nation will undergo drastic transformations. As we learn from the specialized literature today, geopolitics is dominated by the issue of ecology and energy, the fact that we are referring to an intangible heritage, which must be protected. The contradiction between the interests of the people and those of the ruling classes is embedded in the tension that often pits relations between states against the common interest of humanity. The article is important and valuable for students, scientists, researchers and more, because it provides a clear picture of the changes that are taking place globally and a possible perspective on the future.








International Relations in the Contemporary World. Geopolitics and Diplomacy