Legal Presumptions of Paternity


  • Carmen Ion University of European Studies of Moldova


Filiation; legal presumptions of paternity; filiation toward the mother; filiation toward the father; reproof


We chose legal presumptions of paternity as the topic, expressing our conviction that we will be able
to contribute to the understanding of this institution. The present study aims to carry out an analysis of the types
of presumptions, effects, paternity conflicts and normative solutions. In any situation, for the child born during
the marriage, the establishment of parentage to the father facilitated by the legal presumptions of paternity,
enshrined in art. para. (1) Article 414 CNCiv. which takes over the normative content of art. 53 para. (1) and
partially para. (2) Family Code. The conclusion that emerges is that what we have proposed is to highlight some
aspects regarding the notion of the legal presumption of paternity. In this context, we will emphasize some
peculiarities regarding the parentage towards the father, the parentage towards the mother, about the legal time
of conception, about the child conceived or born during the mother's marriage and the jurisprudence in the






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