The Economic Development of Cross-Border Cooperation Euroregions of Romania as a Determinant of European Security


  • Emanuel –Stefan Marinescu Danubius University of Galati
  • Vasile Bogdan Danubius University of Galati


cross-border cooperation; territorial cooperation; Euroregions; transborder relations; mutual collaboration; good neighbours


Populations of different ethnicities are forced to live within artificial borders, being separated
by fences that mutilate their national feeling as well as their future prospects. In recent years, the
European Union has tried to overcome the difficulties of the past, creating real bridges between
neighbouring states, which divide regions on both sides of the border. The approach serves the need for
balance, peace and relaxation in areas that have been in difficulty as a result of past conflicts. The
initiative of the countries in Western Europe initially started in Germany, the area being hardly tried in
the last world conflagration. In establishing cross-border collaborations, economic-financial support is
essential for raising the standard of living and expectations of cross-border communities. In the
contemporary context of cross-border cooperation, Romania presents itself as extremely open to
cooperation, in its 12 Euroregions. The economic factor is the most important for the future success of the
Euroregions, as a decisive parameter of real integration.

Author Biographies

Emanuel –Stefan Marinescu, Danubius University of Galati

Associate Professor, PhD,

Vasile Bogdan, Danubius University of Galati

Associate Professor, PhD


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