The Impact of Covid in Higher Education System of Albania


  • Lirola Keri FEUT
  • Albana Jupe Agricultural University of Tirana


In this study, we will bring up and analyze the experience of distance learning in pandemic conditions of 2020 in the higher education system in Albania. A survey takes place in two periods focusing on the students of the second year of the bachelor and the master level. The results of this study reveal socio, economic and legislative issues that should be addressed and discussed at the policymaker level. Analysis indicates that out of 77% of the students use a mobile phone and only 23% have access to the computer/laptop. In all responses, the IT equipment was funded by the family/students. Also, 26.4% have access regularly to the internet, the 73.6% of the students do not have regularly internet due to weak cover of the internet or lack of electricity. All the internet expenditure is cover by the students or their families. This situation has been a serious one not only for the students but for the academics staff also. Distance learning has been stimulated with their own equipment, most of the time. In the meantime, there has been no compensation for additional costs. To solve this situation as effectively as possible at the end of the analysis and findings are given some important recommendations


Key words: e learning, Covid 19, students approach, high education level.

JEL Classification: A29






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