Counterfeiting and Fraud of Credit and Debit Cards. National and European Legislative Affairs


  • Alexandru Adrian Eni


As the world becomes more and more interconnected, technology has begun to be seen as a convenient and useful tool for communication between individuals, a situation that has facilitated participation in some of the commitments that were considered challenges in the past. In fact, technology has provided, among other issues, the kind of social interaction that has indeed bridged the gap between different cultures and ideologies. Today's world is an age of technology, and that technology is constantly changing. More than one hundred and fifty years ago, the conduct of commercial operations was quite different from today. Currently, much less time is spent on data processing, information retrieval, cataloging and evaluation of business statistics. In addition, surveys of catalog items and the processing of purchasing transactions have been automated, reducing or eliminating human intervention. This has contributed to saving resources for strategic use. Technology is, in fact, transforming every aspect of our lives, including medicine, art and education, but also organized crime






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